Solana Volume on Jupiter (Feb 1 - 28)

    Methodology: Solana and USDC volume analysis on Orca. The updated solana.fact_swaps and dim_labels were the main tables used. Previousley I did the same dashboard for these dates on Orca. Orca was chosen due to being the most popular, and volume intensive of Solana exchanges. Therefore I beleive it is the most represntative of comunity trends. Yet this dashboard is for Jupiter, it serves as a comparison between exchanges.


    This chart shows the popularity of USD Coin as the most swapped token in exchange for SOL on Jupiter. And the other top 3 Tokens swapped on the exchange.

    At first glance it looks like the same visual, and because its a pair with the previous chart the tendency is extremely similar, but here are slight differences in tendency and a massie difference in volume. The largest volume of SOL to USD being little above 160K and the larges volume spike of USDC converted to sol close to 26M.

    This chart is the combination of the previous two charts, but together they show a much more graphicaly representative image of how there was a lot more Solana bieng bought (taken out of the Jupiter exchange) in exchange for USDC. So in summary people were swapping Solana for stablecoins during the month of Febuary.

    Originaly this dashboard was made for the month of Febuary. But I decided to add a volume chart for this last month, (Updatable by re-runing the code) to se how the situation has evolved.