Sushi Noobs II

    Methodology: For this dashboard the ethereum.sushi.ez_swaps and the ethereum.core.fact_event_logs.event_name were used. News Aritcle on Suhsi 25/12/21 Spike ->





    This Dashboard will be answering Q94. What is the first thing new users do when they acquire SUSHI?

    We are going to be defining -new users- as the first registered transaction on Sushiswap by address. The idea is to see what happens after this first registered transaction.

    And for the action after buying sushi, we will be looking into the following action done WITH that previousley bought sushi, we are not interested an addresses inmediate following action if it is done using another token or on another platform.

    Even though not strictley related to the question at hand, I believe it is relevant to know the trend of new users on Sushiswap.

    This depicts the amount of first registered transaction of an address on Sushiswap by day. (New Users)

    There is a very noticable spike on he 25/12/21. One possible explanation for this is the 12% rise it had the previous day (news article attached -> But im not convinced that this alone can represent such a spike in new users.

    This represents the second action done on Sushiswap, using sushi (since the question is what do new users do AFTER they adquire SUSHI, therfore this chart represents the second transaction for each address.

    As we can se over 50% of addresses, -transfer- in their second transaction, the SUSHI they adquired in their first transaction. The following 3 most relevant acctions (Events) are using the sushi for aproval, sync or swapping.

    There probably is a diference between Withdraw and withdrwal, but in case there isnt, even if we add them both togther, they would still remain in 6th place.

    To clarify: (second tx on sushi.ez_swaps table joined with event_logs only when the symbol_in ( which would be what is used in the tx, is sushi)


    The general concluison to this dashboard, is that half of new Sushi acquirers, transfer the obtained Sushi as a secon transaction. Other relevant second transactions are depicted in the chart above. But with the secon most common action (approval) having 11%, the main focus is still mainly on the transfers.
