End of Year CEX Transfers

    Does the volume of transactions to centralized exchanges increased toward the end of year? Before getting into that, let's first see the volume of all transactions from or to centralized exchanges.


    Also note that there is not any data past December 8th on Flipside's Velocity yet.

    By a quick look it's clear that the transactions volume from CEX to Solana (orange bars) were higher that volume of transactions from Solana to CEX (green bars). And the average daily total transfers from/to CEX (blue line) seems to be around 40k.

    Transfers To CEX

    Now let's just take a look at daily transfers from Solana to CEX.

    Total Transfers

    Comparing the starting of the month (Dec 8 in the chart) with the ending days of December, we can see an upward movement in the volume of transfers to CEX; it gets from almost 14k to around 17k.

    There were 2 days with clearly higher volume compared to other days. Dec 13 with over 22k transfers, and Dec 21 with 21.7k transfers to CEX.

    Dec 14 is also the day with the highest volume in transfers from CEX to Solana (previous chart).