linda20-4DtLkePercentage of Gobblers listed
    Updated 2022-11-03
    SELECT HOUR as date ,
    avg(price) as ETH_price
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    WHERE token_address = '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2' -- WETH contract
    GROUP BY 1

    mints AS (
    trunc(block_timestamp,'hour') AS date,TOKENID,
    COUNT(DISTINCT nft_to_address) AS n_minters,
    sum(n_minters) over (ORDER BY date) AS cumu_minters,
    sum(nft_count) AS nft_minted,
    sum(nft_minted) over (ORDER BY date) AS cum_nft_minted
    FROM ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints
    WHERE block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE-90
    AND nft_address= '0x60bb1e2aa1c9acafb4d34f71585d7e959f387769'
    AND nft_from_address='0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    AND event_type = 'nft_mint'
    GROUP BY 1,2
    ORDER BY 1

    seles AS (
    SELECT date_trunc('hour',block_timestamp) AS date1,n_minters,cumu_minters,nft_minted,cum_nft_minted,a.TOKENID,
    COUNT(DISTINCT tx_hash)AS sale_count ,
    COUNT(DISTINCT buyer_address) AS unique_buyers ,
    sum( price * ETH_price) AS volume ,
    sum(sale_count) over (ORDER BY date1) AS cumu_count,
    sum(unique_buyers) over (ORDER BY date1) AS cumu_buyer,
    sum(volume) over (ORDER BY date1) AS cumu_volume,
    sale_count/datediff(HOUR,'2022-10-31 20:22:35.000' , current_date-1) AS average_sale_HOUR,
    unique_buyers/datediff(HOUR,'2022-10-31 20:22:35.000' , current_date-1) AS average_unique_buyers_HOUR,
    Run a query to Download Data