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    Pagoda NEAR RPC API

    Pagoda NEAR RPC API from PagodaPagoda
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    Get real-time NFT data including ownership data, transactions and transfers, market data, and The Pagoda RPC offers instant access to maintenance-free, scalable NEAR infrastructure, facilitating a swift journey from concept to launch. Through RPC endpoints, developers can engage with on-chain data and send various types of transactions to the network.

    Getting Started

    To get started building with the Pagoda RPC API, you'll need to create an account and generate an API key.

    • Create an account with Pagoda
    • Create a new project to generate your API key
    • Click the Install button here and enter your API key
    • Go to the LiveQuery section of Data Studio and start querying!

    With your API keys, you can:

    • Access higher request throughput and increased concurrent requests
    • Query data from Enhanced APIs, gaining access to free processed data for NFT, FT and NEAR balances, ownership, and metadata
    • Utilize dedicated, individualized usage metrics