
    90 Days of Dolphins and DeFi: The Dynamics of $10k - $99k Traders in NEAR’s Liquidity Landscape and other DeFi Trends

    90 Days Dolphin Bridge Activities
    Ethereum to Near Bridge activities
    This Section focuses on the Ethereum <> Near Bridge Route
    Lending Activities
    This insight is provided due to the recent partnership between Ref Finance and Burrow. This is how lending looks on Burrow Finance by What actions Lenders are taking and the general trends in the protocol during the last 30 days..
    Dolphins in the Last 90 Days
    This section focuses on Swap trends of Dolphins in the Last 90 Days

    This dashboard offers a consolidated view of Dolphin trader behavior on NEAR, focusing on the last 90 days. Analyzing net flows, token purchases, and liquidity movements provides crucial insights into how these traders shape the ecosystem.

    It also compares NEAR’s liquidity trends with major competitors like Ethereum and Solana, offering actionable insights on growth opportunities. This analysis is invaluable for developers, traders, and investors seeking to understand and capitalize on NEAR’s position within the DeFi landscape.


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    • Email: defimeji@gmail.com

    Looking forward to connecting with you!

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