maluhgUntitled Query
    with swap as ( select
    to_currency as curr,
    count (*) as tx_count,
    sum (to_amount/pow(10,to_decimal)) as vol
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    where tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    and block_timestamp between '2022-08-17' and '2022-11-09'
    group by 1 ),

    label as (
    select address,
    project_name as stable
    from osmosis.core.dim_labels
    where project_name like '%USDC%' or project_name like '%DAI%' or project_name like '%USDT%' )

    sum(tx_count) as tx_count,
    sum(vol) as volume
    from label join swap on curr = address
    group by 1
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