Comparative Analysis of Governance Voting and Staking Metrics on the NEAR Blockchain with Solana and Osmosis
About This Dahsboard
This dashboard will provide a comprehensive analysis comparing the governance voting, and staking metrics of the NEAR blockchain with those of Solana and Osmosis. The analysis covers a period of the last two years and provides a breakdown of key metrics to determine the level of participation in governance activities and stakes on each network.
The governance voting key metrics will be:
a. Number of unique wallets participating in governance voting
b. Weight of votes (by token holdings) for each network
c. Voting participation rate (percentage of eligible wallets actively voting).
d. Number of governance proposals submitted and approved
The staking key metrics will be:
a. Number of unique stakers (distinct wallets) participating in staking
b. Total staked value (in native tokens and USD preferred) for each network
c. Cumulative staked value over time (in native tokens and USD preferred) for each network
Also, at the end of each section, this dashboard provides a detailed breakdown of users' voting and staking transactions.