mamad-5XN3k3Untitled Query
    Updated 2023-01-23
    select date_trunc (day,block_timestamp) as date,
    when date between '2023-01-07' and '2023-01-13' then 'A week before'
    when date = '2023-01-14' then 'Announce day'
    when date between '2023-01-15' and '2023-01-21' then 'A week after'
    else 'Other' end as type,
    count (Distinct tx_id) as txs,
    count (distinct liquidity_provider_address) as users
    from terra.core.fact_lp_actions
    where tx_succeeded = 'TRUE'
    and block_timestamp::date between '2023-01-07' and '2023-01-21'
    and action = 'provide_liquidity' --in ('provide_liquidity','withdraw_liquidity')
    group by 1,2,3
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