mansa$MATIC General approach
    Updated 2022-09-20
    with general as(
    FROM polygon.core.dim_labels a
    inner join polygon.core.ez_matic_transfers b
    on a.address = b.matic_to_address
    WHERE a.address_name LIKE '%staking%'

    select date_trunc('month',block_timestamp) as month,
    sum(amount) as matic_vol,
    count(distinct matic_from_address) as staker_count,
    count(tx_hash) as stake_count,
    sum(amount_usd) as matic_vol_usd,
    SUM(matic_vol) OVER (order by month asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS Cummulative_matic_vol,
    SUM(staker_count) OVER (order by month asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS Cummulative_staker_count,
    SUM(stake_count) OVER (order by month asc rows between unbounded preceding and current row) AS Cummulative_stake_count
    from general
    group by 1
    order by 1
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