Solana NFT Project Feature

    Choose a NFT project from the following list and create a dashboard with the new Flipside dashboard layout that can refresh once a day highlighting at least 4 metrics of your choosing that helps show the "health" of the project. Note any noticeable trends or current events for the project. Highlight how liquidity is flowing in and out of the project and what types of buyers and sellers are interacting with the project.

    Pesky Penguins: Definition

    Pesky Penguins is a fun, deflationary collection of currently 8433 NFTs on the Solana Blockchain. Pesky Penguins is a collection of 8571 NFT which was minted on Oct 08, 2021 at the price of 0.25 SOL and its current floor price is 4.99 SOL which means that has increased. Every Penguin is completely unique but there is an NFT burning method through snowball. The Snowball receives 2% of every aftermarket sale. It uses this money to periodically buy the cheapest Pesky Penguins listed for sale at various NFT Marketplaces. Every penguin The Snowball buys is burned (destroyed and removed from circulation). To see which Noots have been removed from the total supply.

    very Pesky Penguin traded on the open market is subject to a 6% royalty, which is divided as follows:

    • 1% to NootDAO
    • 2% to The Snowball
    • 3% to the dev team

    The dev team royalties are used to cover recurring fees such as web hosting and domain registration, to cover income tax for both the Snowball and team wallets, and are used to support the ongoing development of the project. Snowball funds are used ONLY for reducing the overall supply of Penguins.

    For more information visit Pesky Penguins.

    Approach and Methodology

    To carry out the analysis of this report below steps have been arranged to extract the necessary data for any further conclusions:

    1. Pesky Penguin Sales Analysis which include:

      1. Total Pesky Penguin sales transactions on a daily basis
      2. Average Solana cost per sale (daily)
    2. Pesky Penguin NFT burn methodology and results (as the data is only shown from February, the results analysis are extracted since February to current date):

      1. Snowball sales and average cost on a daily basis
      2. Number of NFTs burnt and cummulative
      3. Total Cost (solana) for Pesky Penguin NFTs burnt
    3. Pesky Penguin NFT holders type by classifying them in tiers.


    1. Pesky Penguin Sales Analysis

    Below chart shows the evolution of Pesky Penguin NFT sales on a daily basis. Nevertheless, to be more accurate on the analysis of the health of the project, not only has been extracted the sales but the average cost of a sale per NFT has been also extracted to understand if that average cost have been maintained alongside time.

    Thus, some conclusions can be extracted from both charts:

    • As it shows the first chart, at the start of each month it is observed a peak on the Solana sales quantity for this particular NFT. Moreover, the change of slope in the cummulative sales value confirms that.
    • The number of sales at the end of June and the start of July (which do not show the peak as the other months) are showing a decreasing on the total quantity of sales.
    • Since the boom at mid February, it seems to have an stable average cost between the value of 4.5-8 SOL, which means that despite the decrease on number of sales the average cost meets the previous margin mentioned, without any visible decreasing on that.

    2. Pesky Penguins burn NFTs (Snowball)

    The second part to be analysed is how this NFT is burnt through the snowball process, which purchases the cheapest Pesky Penguins on the market. For this, below charts have been analysed for any further conclusions:

    • As the chart shows, there are purchases from Snowball approximately 2-3 times per month (maximum 4).
    • The average cost for these cheapest NFTs is quite constant value with an approximate number of 6 SOL.
    • The number of burnt NFTs shows a little decrease during the last month as it can be observed in a change of slope in the cumulative value of number of NFTs burnt.
    • Since February, there is a total cost of 589 SOL for the NFTs burnt.

    3. Pesky Penguin NFT Holders

    It is also important to understand what is the prototype of holder for this particular NFT. For this, it has been defined three different tiers by classifying them depending on the number of NFTs.

    • n_NFT lower than 10 or equal: Crab
    • n_NFT between 10 and 100: Shark
    • n_NFT Higher than 100: Whales

    As it can be observed on below chart, it can be concluded that the main prototype for this NFT is the crab, which means that holders do not have more than 10 NFTs for Pesky Penguin project as it is the 84% of the total number of holders.



    Up to now, Pesky Penguin NFT has shown a normal average activity on its comunity for the last months and despite it is currently showing a little bit of decreasing, as it is still on a similar path from the previous months the fact that during this summer Pesky Penguin is going to have new particular events for its community this fact will remain Pesky Penguin a health project for the future.

    • Average cost for the sales of Pesky NFT have maintained during time.
    • NFT number of sales show activity on the community which demonstrate that the members are still on the loop of the activity of the community.
    • The fact that the holder prototype is a crab cause less movement on NFT sales but also increases its value as it is more difficult to obtain one of them, making them a reduced and wanted community.

    For more information about the particular event from de Dev Team please consult the link: WorldBuilding