Top TOKE Holders
Identify the top holders of the TOKE token in January 2022, have they kept their position today?
Tokemak is a generalized crypto liquidity aggregator for decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that is designed to give users the ability to provide liquidity and earn incentivized yields for staking different crypto assets while controlling where liquidity is allocated via a decentralized market making system. Tokemak leverages the use of its TOKE governance and utility asset to facilitate the use of its underlying blockchain protocol.
The TOKE crypto asset is designed to represent a homogeneous form of tokenized liquidity throughout the Tokemak platform — from staking to liquidity providing and yield farming via Token Reactors and Pair Reactors. TOKE token allows LPs and LDs to generate liquidity on demand for the tokens they choose to purchase on their desired DEX by controlling and directing the platform's total value locked (TVL). In turn, network participants are rewarded in incentivized staking yields for their efforts. The TOKE token is also being integrated into the platform’s underlying DAO governance structure and its role will continue to expand as the platform and ecosystem matures.
Source from: Gemini Cryptopedia
For carrying out the analysis shown below, some procedures must be done.
- First of all, the information from TOKE has been extracted from flipside database, specifically from flipside_prod_db.ethereum.erc20_balances.
- Once it is known that, it is filtered to obtain the TOKE balances thorugh its address which is 0x2e9d63788249371f1DFC918a52f8d799F4a38C94.
- Finally, the dates are restricted to the ones interested (first for Januray and then for the last month).
As commented, below chart shows the evolution of top TOKE holders during January 2022 in a daily basis. For doing this, it has been limited the TOKE balance to determine the top TOKE holders. The limitation used was a balance > 35000. Thus, below chart shows the evolution of the address that have more than 35000 in their balance from January 1st to January 31st.
Thus, some primary conclusions can be extracted from above chart:
- Top holders are maintaining their TOKE assets during the whole month.
- Address 0x8b4334d4812c530574bd4f2763fcd22de94a969b has an approximately 65% of total balance analysed.
- Address 0x96f98ed74639689c3a11daf38ef86e59f43417d3 has an approximately 25% of total balance analysed.
- Both addresses mentioned above have an approximately 90% of total banace analysed, which means that there are two top whale holders for TOKE during the month of January.
Now that the Janaury analysis has been done, let's try to observe if January top holders are maintaing their position currently. For this, below chart shows the evolution of the last 30 days with same top holders restriction than the ones used for January analysis.
Some conclusions can be extracted from above chart:
- Same as Janaury, there are two top holders that have an approximate value of 90% if the balance analysed.
- Curious fact is that the address that in January had the 65% of the balance now has the 25% of the balance and the address that had the 25% of the balance now has the 65%.
- There are more wallets with a balance higher than 35000 than in January, four more to be accurate.
- There are two main TOKE top holders during 2022 year.
- Number of holders with a balance higher than 35000 has grown during the year.
- Top main holders have maintain their position today but turning the top 1 into top 2 and vice versa.