Waiting for Aurory

    Aurory is one of the most highly anticipated games to come out on any chain. Create a dashboard highlighting wallet trends around both the tokens and NFTs.

    Aurory - Definition

    AURORY is a free-to-play, tactical, turn-based JRPG built on the Solana blockchain. Players are invited to explore a rich and diverse universe where they will travel across the worlds of Antik and Tokané as they complete quests, discover lost relics, defeat enemies, and compete against other players using creatures called “Nefties".

    Aurorian NFTs

    With more than 150,000 concurrent minters, the Aurorian NFT sale was one of the most highly anticipated NFT sales on Solana. Aurorians serve as an avatar for early supporters and come with a long list of exclusive perks and benefits.

    Aurory TOKEN

    The Aurory IDO was the largest IDO on Solana. This successfully funded the development of the game and secured us a position to pioneer in the play-to-earn space on Solana and to operate as one of the market leaders for the years to come.

    More info: Aurory

    Approach & Methodology

    To carry out the analysis of this report below steps have been arranged to extract the necessary data for any further conclusions:

    1. AURY Sales Analysis (daily basis)

    2. Aurory NFT Sales which include:

      1. Sales transactions on a daily basis
      2. Average NFT cost sale (daily)
    3. Aurory NFT holders by classifying them in tiers

    4. New wallet holders (daily)

    1. AURY Sales Analysis

    Below chart shows the sales transactions of AURY Token on a daily basis. From that chart, some indicators can be mentioned:

    • Maximum number of sales in one day (history) is July 2nd wit a total of 2.156M.
    • Despite April had a good impact in the number of transactions, march and may are the worst months in terms of quantity.
    • A change of slope in the cumulative sales shows an increment on the number of sales during the las 2 months in comparison with the previous months.

    2. Aurory NFT Sales

    Below charts show different data provided from flipside in regards to the sales and transactions of the Aurory NFT. First chart is showing the sales in terms of token quantity and its cummulative value while the second one shows the number of transactions (NFTs) and the average cost of the NFT which may be important for comparying it with AURY Token. Thus, some ideas can be extracted:

    • As it can be observed on the first chart, unlike the token sales where may was below June and July numbers, in terms of NFT sales May has better numbers than June and July.
    • The biggest peak was in April 17th with a total of 26.67k.
    • Second chart shows that the average cost per NFT was better at the end of April and start of May but that during the last months has been stabilyzing despite is below the best peak.
    • Nevertheless, number of NFT sold during last month are a little below previous months numbers despite the average sale cost is similar.

    3. Aurory NFT Holders

    It is also important to understand what is the prototype of holder for this particular NFT. For this, it has been defined four different tiers by classifying them depending on the number of NFTs.

    • n_NFT lower than 5 or equal: Crab
    • n_NFT between 5 and 10: Fish
    • n_NFT between 10 and 100: Dolphin
    • n_NFT Higher than 100: Whales

    As it can be observed on below chart, it can be concluded that the main prototype for this NFT is the crab, which means that holders do not have more than 5 NFTs for Aurory project. Nevertheless, is important to point out that there are more dolphins than fishes which means that the second prototype of this particular NFT is the holders that have between 10 and 100 NFTs.

    4. New Wallet Holders

    As there are a lot of new wallet holders for this particular Token, it has been filtered the ones that have hold a balance greater than 3500. As the chart shows, there is a lot of activity for this token and there are some whales that are still chasing on it, making the project health.
