Bot Swappers

    Define bot swappers. How does the behaviour of bots differ from average swappers? For instance in terms of number of swaps, or in terms of distribution of swaps over a day. What percentage of swaps were executed by bots in the past 30 days? What pools and what pairs were most popular among bot swappers in the past 30 days.


    As can be seen from the chart below, of the total k46.119 total swap, 47.3498 is related to Bot swap.

    LUNA swap to UST is one of the most popular among Bots, The program we see in the chart below is 55.5k swap registered.

    The bar chart shows the top 20 wallets based on the number of transactions in the last 30 days. As can be seen, the top wallet traded around 13.6 K, the other two top bots traded at 11.794 K and the other at 6218, but the rest of the Bots traded around 4k to 4245.

    Bot Swappers; Unique wallets with unusual volume and high transactions.