mariyaNumber of Trade on Cosmic Champs Token Comparison (between Swapped to/Swapped from)
    Updated 2022-05-02
    with swap_to as (
    select date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as dt, sum(swap_to_amount) as volume_swap_to , count(tx_group_id) as trade_swap_to,count(distinct swapper) as wallet_swap_to
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_to_asset_id = '571576867' and block_timestamp < CURRENT_DATE
    group by 1
    swap_from as (
    select date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as dt, sum(swap_from_amount) as volume_swap_from,count(tx_group_id) as trade_swap_from,count(distinct swapper) as wallet_swap_from
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_from_asset_id = '571576867' and block_timestamp < CURRENT_DATE
    group by 1

    select swap_to.dt, volume_swap_to,volume_swap_from,trade_swap_to,trade_swap_from,wallet_swap_to,wallet_swap_from
    from swap_to join swap_from on swap_to.dt = swap_from.dt
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