mariyaSOL Staker Activity
    Updated 2022-04-13
    with tinyman as (
    select swapper , count(tx_group_id) as transactions ,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_time
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_program = 'tinyman'
    group by 1
    algofi as (
    select swapper ,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_time
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_program = 'wagmiswap'
    group by 1
    case when o.first_time > t.first_time then 'used tinyman'
    else 'not used tinyman'
    end as type ,
    count (DISTINCT o.swapper ) as users
    from algofi o join tinyman t
    on o.swapper = t.swapper
    group by 1
    Run a query to Download Data