mariyaeach market place operation days
    Updated 2022-12-09
    with base_data as
    ( select count(1) as nft_sales_transactions ,
    count(distinct seller) as unique_seller_count ,
    count(distinct purchaser) as unique_buyer_count ,
    sum(sales_amount) as amount , max(sales_amount)
    as max_amount , min(sales_amount)
    as min_amount , median(sales_amount)
    as median_amount ,
    count(distinct mint) as nft_mint ,
    count(distinct block_id) as block_id , marketplace
    from solana.core.fact_nft_sales
    where succeeded = 1 and sales_amount > 0
    group by marketplace
    ), datediff_data as
    ( select datediff('day', min(block_timestamp::date) , max(block_timestamp::date)) as diff , marketplace
    from solana.core.fact_nft_sales
    where succeeded = 1 and sales_amount > 0
    group by marketplace
    select * from datediff_data