SOL Staker Activity

    Q52. How frequently are SOL stakers interacting with DeFi protocols over the past month? Which protocols are they interacting most with? Which actions are they mostly taking? Staking? Farming? Swapping? Mining?


    In this chart, users interact the most with the magic eden financial protocol And accounts for approximately 32.8% of total user interactions. In general, all protocol interactions are somehow close to each other.

    Sol stackers usually interact with the DeFi protocol through mining. As we can see, in the last 30 days, we had 34.6% of farming. The next percentage is related to mining, with a percentage of about 30.8%. The lowest value in this chart is related to swapping with 7.69%

    The chart below shows the interactions of users with defi. Between March 15 and 24, the chart has an almost constant fluctuation, the highest value being 11Apriı.