Where’s The Pot of Gold?

    Q168. What % of the bAsset market cap for bLUNA and bETH is locked as collateral on Anchor? Show where else bLUNA/bETH is being held, and explain why you think this is


    bETH tokens are bAssets built for Ethereum 2.0 staking, with their token value backed by Ethereum 2.0 staking positions. bETH tokens exist on both on the Ethereum chain and the Terra chain, each complying to the ERC20 standard and the CW20 standard.


    bLUNA is also held in other dex like astroport, loop and terraswap


    bLUNA collateral is lower than bETH it seems more people withdraw bLUNA from anchor to drop in LUNA price.

    chart show us the marketcap of bLUNA AND Beth
