Algorand - RAND Gallery Wallets

    In this dashboard, we will look at the RAND Gallery sales from an user adoption perspective.

    We will aggregated RAND Gallery sales by tracking ALGO movements to RANDGVRRYGVKI3WSDG6OGTZQ7MHDLIN5RYKJBABL46K5RQVHUFV3NY5DUE, where the Fees collected is sent. By filtering out tx_groups containing these payment transactions, and find the total ALGO moved from the user, we can find the ALGO spent by an user. Since an RAND sale contains 3 payment transaction, the NFT payment, Fees and the ALGO transaction fee, we can use max function and then subtract from the total ALGO spent, to calculate the NFT payment and the Fees.


    Finding each users first ever RAND sale, we can see that most of RAND volume has come over the past two months, almost 10x the previous average volume. In total almost 30,000 unique ALGORAND wallets have bought NFTs from RAND Gallery.

    Let us look at the NFT distribution and ALGOs spent distribution per wallet


    Most users have only 1 NFT. This holds for 22,000 of the 30,000 NFT buyers from RAND, which is almost 73% of all unique users.

    Its a similar case with ALGOs spent, with almost 22,000 users spending sub 10 ALGOs on NFTs from RAND.


    The above table shows the top wallets by both NFTs bought and ALGOs spent. Click on BUY_RANK or ALGO_RANK to toggle the sort. An interesting find is that, the wallets with most NFT buys barely make it into the top 100 for ALGOs spent. Similarly, top ALGO spenders, don't make it to top 100 most NFT holders.