    Updated 2022-02-16
    group_ids as (
    select distinct
    case try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string)
    when 'Market: mt' then 'deposit'
    when 'Market: b' then 'borrow'
    when 'Market: rb' then 'repay'
    when 'Market: rcu' then 'redeem'
    else 'sus' end as event,
    case app_id
    when 465814065 then 'algo'
    when 465814103 then 'usdc'
    when 465814149 then 'btc'
    when 465814222 then 'eth'
    when 465814278 then 'stbl'
    else 'sus' end as asset,
    case app_id
    when 465814065 then 6
    when 465814103 then 6
    when 465814149 then 8
    when 465814222 then 8
    when 465814278 then 6
    else 6 end as decimals
    from algorand.application_call_transaction
    where --try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) = 'Market: mt' and
    app_id in (
    465814065, -- algo
    465814103, -- usdc
    465814149, -- btc
    465814222, -- eth
    465814278 -- stbl
    and event != 'sus'
    and asset != 'sus'
    -- order by block_timestamp desc
    Run a query to Download Data