    Updated 2022-06-24
    -- last_day(block_timestamp,'week') as date,
    case when burn_asset = 'BNB.RUNE-B1A' then 'bnb' else 'eth' end as chain,
    count(to_address) as txs,
    count(distinct to_address) as users,
    sum(rune_amount) as rune_burned,
    sum(rune_amount_usd) as usd_burned
    from thorchain.upgrades
    where block_timestamp > '2022-02-01'
    -- where date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-01-01'
    -- and date(block_timestamp) <= '2022-01-07'
    -- and rune_amount <= 20000000
    -- and date(block_timestamp) != '2022-01-03'
    group by 1
    -- limit 100
    Run a query to Download Data