For every swap made on Thorchain, the wallet has to pay a certain fee. This includes the Liquidity Pools fees paid. Hence any swap on Thorchain generates Liquidity fee in the asset involved and RUNE.

    In this dashboard, we will try to find wallets that have made in a Merry Christmas for LPs over the past 30 days, by providing the most fees to the LPs.

    For this we can use thorchain.swaps table, aggregate all swap data by from_address and to_address. Filtering only swaps in the past 30 days, we can add all liq_fee_rune and liqu_fee_asset 's USD values to obtain the required data.

    First we will look at only RUNE fee generations. We will choose to ignore the Main Pool Module on Thorchain - thor1g98cy3n9mmjrpn0sxmn63lztelera37n8n67c0


    The top 9 addresses account fo 45 percent of RUNE fees generated. The top address happens to be labelled Hence it could be the exchange's main address.

    Now checking it in USD prices for both RUNE and the asset involved.


    We can see that the percentage has shrunk alot. The top address here happens to be a major ERC-20 swapper, which means quite alot of fees is to be paid in order to account for Ethereum gas.

    Whats the most interesting is that, THorchain has generated around 160,000 RUNE ~= 1.1Million USD and 2.5 Million USD in total, just over 30 days. This is impressive considering the number of wallets using Thorchain and hence the outlook of explosive growth.