mehrancrypto-dxoepqUntitled Q60-4
    Updated 2022-08-10
    with tx1 as (select address , ADDRESS_NAME
    from ethereum.core.dim_labels
    where label = 'tornado cash'
    ) ,
    tx2 as (
    SELECT ADDRESS_NAME , ETH_VALUE , block_timestamp::date as daily , tx_hash
    from tx1 A , ethereum.core.fact_transactions B
    where address = TO_ADDRESS
    and block_timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - 31
    ) ,
    tx3 as

    SELECT tx_hash , avg(price) as price
    from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices A , tx2
    where symbol = 'WETH'
    and hour::date = daily
    GROUP by 1
    , tx4 as (
    SELECT ADDRESS_NAME , A.tx_hash , price*ETH_VALUE as amount
    from tx2 A, tx3 B
    where A.tx_hash = B.tx_hash
    SELECT A.ADDRESS_NAME , sum(amount) as USD , sum(eth_value) , COUNT(A.tx_hash)
    from tx4 A , tx2 B
    where A.tx_hash = B.tx_hash
    group by 1

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