Updated 2022-10-19
    SELECT block_timestamp::date as daily ,
    when PRICE < 0.01 then 'Price is less than 0.01 ETH'
    when PRICE < 0.1 and price >= 0.01 then 'Price is above than 0.01 ETH & less than 0.1 ETH'
    when PRICE < 1 and price >= 0.1 then 'Price is above than 0.1 ETH & less than 1 ETH'
    when price >= 1 then 'Price is above than 1 ETH'
    end as type , count(tx_hash) AS number
    FROM Ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales
    where CURRENCY_SYMBOL ilike '%ETH%'
    and daily >= '2021-12-20'
    GROUP BY 1 , 2

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