Updated 2022-12-09
    with tab1 as (
    SELECT *
    from axelar.core.fact_transfers
    where transfer_type in ('IBC_TRANSFER_IN' , 'IBC_TRANSFER_OUT' )
    case when SENDER ilike 'osmo%' then 'Osmo'
    when SENDER ilike 'Cosm%' then 'Cosmos'
    when SENDER ilike 'secret%' then 'Secret Network'
    when SENDER ilike 'akash%' then 'Akash'
    when SENDER ilike 'cro%' then 'Crypto.org'
    when SENDER ilike 'star%' then 'Starname'
    when SENDER ilike 'sif%' then 'Sifchain'
    when SENDER ilike 'cert%' then 'Shentu'
    when SENDER ilike 'iaa%' then 'IRISnet'
    when SENDER ilike 'regen%' then 'Regen'
    when SENDER ilike 'pers%' then 'Persistence'
    when SENDER ilike 'ixo%' then 'ixo'
    when SENDER ilike 'emoney%' then 'e-Money'
    when SENDER ilike 'agoric%' then 'Agoric'
    when SENDER ilike 'bostr%' then 'Bostrom'
    when SENDER ilike 'juno%' then 'Juno'
    when SENDER ilike 'star%' then 'Stargaze'
    when SENDER ilike 'axl%' then 'Axelar'
    when SENDER ilike 'somm%' then 'Sommelier'
    when SENDER ilike 'umee%' then 'Umee'
    when SENDER ilike 'grav%' then 'Gravity Bridge'
    when SENDER ilike 'tgrade%' then 'Tgrade'
    when SENDER ilike 'stride%' then 'Stride'
    when SENDER ilike 'kava%' then 'Kava'
    when SENDER ilike 'evmos%' then 'Evmos'
    when SENDER ilike 'ter%' then 'Terra'
    end as chain

    from axelar.core.fact_transactions A , tab1 B
    where A.tx_id = B.tx_id
    Run a query to Download Data