Updated 2022-08-12
    with tx1 as (SELECT tx_id , block_timestamp::date as daily , supplied_usd , issued_tokens , DEPOSITOR_ADDRESS
    from flipside_prod_db.aave.deposits
    where SYMBOL = 'AAVE'
    and datediff('month', block_timestamp, CURRENT_DATE ) <= {{months}}
    and supplied_usd is not null
    and issued_tokens is not null
    ) ,
    tx2 as (SELECT tx_id ,block_timestamp::date as daily , WITHDRAWN_USD , withdrawn_tokens , DEPOSITOR_ADDRESS
    from flipside_prod_db.aave.withdraws
    where SYMBOL = 'AAVE'
    and datediff('month', block_timestamp, CURRENT_DATE ) <= {{months}}
    and WITHDRAWN_USD is not null
    and withdrawn_tokens is not null
    ) ,
    tx3 as (
    SELECT HOUR::date as daily , avg(price) as price
    from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    where SYMBOL = 'AAVE'
    group by 1

    SELECT A.daily , sum(supplied_usd) as Deposited_in_USD , -sum(WITHDRAWN_USD) as withdrawed_in_usd , Deposited_in_USD+withdrawed_in_usd as net_deposited_in_usd ,
    sum(issued_tokens) as deposited_tokens , -sum(withdrawn_tokens) as withdrawed_tokens , deposited_tokens+withdrawed_tokens as net_deposited_token ,

    sum(Deposited_in_USD) over(order by A.daily) as cumulative_deposited_in_usd , sum(withdrawed_in_usd) over(order by A.daily) as cumulative_withrdaed_in_usd ,
    cumulative_deposited_in_usd+cumulative_withrdaed_in_usd as Cumulative_net_deposited_in_usd ,
    count( DISTINCT A.tx_id) as deposit_tx , count(DISTINCT B.tx_id) as withdraw_tx , count(DISTINCT A.DEPOSITOR_ADDRESS) as deposit , count(DISTINCT B.DEPOSITOR_ADDRESS) as withdraw , avg(price) as price
    from tx1 A , tx2 B , tx3 C
    where A.daily = B.daily
    and A.daily = C.daily
    group by 1
    Run a query to Download Data