The percent of wallets for each of the new DEXes whether or not previously used the Tinyman exchange

    In this code, the percentage of wallets that used each of the new DEXes such as PactFi, AlgoFi, WagmiSwap and used Tinyman to swap or did not use Tinyman to swap before was calculated. The SWAPPER column was used to identify the wallets and the SWAP_PROGRAM column in the algorand.swap table was used to count the type of swap transaction. According to the results, 89.4% are wallets that have used PactFi and have already used Tinyman to swap, and 10.6% are wallets that have used PactFi and have not used Tinyman to swap before. According to the results, 89.3% are wallets that have used AlgoFi and have already used Tinyman to swap, and 10.7% are wallets that have used AlgoFi and have not used Tinyman to swap before. According to the results, 90.4% are wallets that have used WagmiSwap and have already used Tinyman to swap, and 9.59% are wallets that have used WagmiSwap and have not used Tinyman to swap before.