mohamadreza221166Daily NFT sales and unique wallets And Nft Saled on Degods
    Updated 2023-03-27
    WITH sales AS (
    SELECT block_timestamp::date AS days
    ,COUNT(DISTINCT tx_id) as number_of_sales
    ,COUNT(DISTINCT t1.MINT) unique_nft
    ,COUNT(DISTINCT purchaser) AS unique_wallets
    FROM solana.fact_nft_sales t1
    -- JOIN solana.core.dim_nft_metadata t2 ON t2.MINT = t1.MINT
    JOIN solana.core.dim_labels t2 ON t2.ADDRESS = t1.MINT
    -- WHERE lower(t2.CONTRACT_NAME) LIKE '%degods%'
    WHERE lower(t2.ADDRESS_NAME) LIKE '%degods%'
    GROUP BY 1
    ORDER BY 1
    SELECT * from sales
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