Daily Transactions and Unique Addresses


    In this dashboard I will answer this questions:

    ● Count and plot the number of daily transactions and unique addresses on Polygon, beginning July 1, 2022.

    ● discuss whether Polygon is still growing, has reached a plateau, etc.


    One of the ways to check the growth of blockchain ecosystems is to check the number of transactions and the number of users,that In this dashboard, we will examine the Polygon blockchain in the last week

    First, we check the number of transactions and unique users in the last week (July) and then compare it with the last month for a better comparison.


    To find this information i used the polygon.core.fact_transactions Table And I counted the transaction from the TX_ID column,And I counted the number of users from the FROM_ADDRESS column,And finally I divided the number of transactions by the number of users then I got the number of transactions per user

    Chart & Analysis

    In the last week, we have not seen many changes in the number of transactions and users

    The number of transactions and users have dropped very slightly in the last few days


    For a more detailed analysis, we will compare this statistic with last month

    The number of transactions and users has decreased slightly compared to the previous month