mohammadhCosmoverse Free Play 5 (2))sell(tx category)
    Updated 2022-10-13
    with A as (select
    sum(FROM_AMOUNT/1e6) volume,
    date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as block_day,
    count(distinct TX_ID) as tx_count,
    count(distinct TRADER) as unique_user,
    when FROM_AMOUNT/1e6 < 100 then 'less than 100'
    when FROM_AMOUNT/1e6 between 100 and 1000 then '100-1000'
    when FROM_AMOUNT/1e6 between 1000 and 2000 then '1000-2000'
    when FROM_AMOUNT/1e6 between 2000 and 5000 then '2000-5000'
    when FROM_AMOUNT/1e6 between 5000 and 10000 then '5000-10000'
    when FROM_AMOUNT/1e6 between 10000 and 50000 then '10000-50000'
    when FROM_AMOUNT/1e6 > 50000 then 'biger than 50000'
    end as tx_category
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    where (block_timestamp >= '2022-10-01' and block_timestamp <= '2022-10-10')
    and FROM_CURRENCY ='ibc/0954E1C28EB7AF5B72D24F3BC2B47BBB2FDF91BDDFD57B74B99E133AED40972A'
    and (block_day >= '2022-10-01' and block_day <= '2022-10-10')
    group by block_day,tx_category)

    select *,
    sum(volume) over (partition by tx_category order by block_day asc) as cum_volume,
    sum(unique_user) over (partition by tx_category order by block_day asc) as cum_user,
    sum(tx_count) over (partition by tx_category order by block_day asc) as cum_tx
    from A

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