ASA Asset Transfers

    Overview :

    Q41. What have been the most popular assets to transfer since the beginning of February 2022 by the number of asset transfers and number of users who have transferred that asset? What announcements could have lead to these assets being popular?

    Charts and Analysis :

    • Create a table using the asset_transfer_transaction table that show the top 10 assets by number of transfers since February 2022. Chart these transfers over time by day as well.

    • in terms of number of transfers , PLANET is ranked first with 57.8M transfers and LC Rapid Ranking is ranked second with 8.7M and Lc Blitz Ranking is ranked 3rd with 6.97 M .

    • Create a table using the asset_transfer_transaction table that show the top 10 assets by number of wallets that initiated a transfer since February 2022.
    • in terms of number of users, PLANET again is ranked first with 574K , and USDC is ranked second with 141K and USDt is ranked 3rd with 135K .