Liquidity Pool Popularity

    Introduction : Gamma is made up of several modular components which allow non-custodial, active management of concentrated liquidity pools. This service is available to both the public, and enterprise entities like DAOs, treasuries, and stakeholders. The GAMMA token, while staked, allows users to get exposure to all Gamma CLM pools, by collecting a portion (10%) of generated fees. Staking GAMMA allows users to diversify their assets and avoid the risk of using individual liquidity pools. Not only does Gamma's technology provide safer interactions with DeFi protocols, but it also allows the permissioning of assets for faster and cheaper interactions. Gamma also funds the research and implementation of ‘Active Liquidity Provider’ strategies. Gamma is using the proper data science and financial modeling resources necessary to implement the most attractive Active LP strategies available for vault owners.


    How do liquidity pools work?

    A liquidity pool can be thought of as a pot of cryptocurrency assets locked within a smart contract, which can be used for exchanges, loans and other applications. In traditional finance (Centralised Finance or CeFi), liquidity is provided by a central organisation, such as a bank or a stock exchange.

    How do liquidity pools make money?

    Liquidity providers commonly make money in 2 ways. Liquidity providers earn fees from transactions on the DeFi platform they provide liquidity on. The transaction fees are distributed proportionally to all the liquidity providers in the pool, so the more crypto assets you stake the more fees you'll earn

    what we have done in this project

    list of contract addresses :

    0x09b8d86c6275e707155cdb5963cf611a432ccb21, MATIC-WETH 0x23c85dca3d19b31f14aeea19beac32c2cb2ffc72, ETH2x-FLI-WETH 0x33412fef1af035d6dba8b2f9b33b022e4c31dbb4, GAMMA-WETH 0x4564a37c88e3b13d3a0c08832dcf88278997e6fe, MKR-WETH 0x467414f0312ecedba1e505c12bd97daa3609da87, INDEX-WETH 0x53a4512bbe5083695d8e890789fe1cf6f5686d52, FORTH-WETH 0x55eed13ab07f8b5538eff301551492a1d776da7b, APW-WETH 0x65bc5c6a2630a87c2b494f36148e338dd76c054f, OHM-WETH 0x6c8116abe5c5f2c39553c6f4217840e71462539c, WETH-DAI 0x704ececabe7855996cede5cefa660eccd3c01dbe, FEI-USDC 0x716bd8a7f8a44b010969a1825ae5658e7a18630d, WETH-USDC 0x7f92463e24b2ea1f7267aceed3ad68f7a956d2d8, MVI-WETH 0x8cd73cb1e1fa35628e36b8c543c5f825cd4e77f1, TCR-WETH 0x97491b65c9c8e8754b5c55ed208ff490b2ee6190, WBTC-WETH 0x9a98bffabc0abf291d6811c034e239e916bbcec0, WETH-USDT 0xbb9b86a75ca3115caab045e2af17b0bba483acbc, AAVE-WETH 0xbff4a47a0f77637f735e3a0ce10ff2bf9be12e89, RARE-WETH 0xc14e7ec60699a39cfd59bae06168afc2c76f32ac, MTA-WETH 0xc86b1e7fa86834cac1468937cdd53ba3ccbc1153, FLOAT-WETH 0xc92ff322c8a18e38b46393dbcc8a7c5691586497, TRU-WETH 0xd8dbdb77305898365d7ba6dd438f2663f7d4e409, UNI-WETH 0xe065ff6a26f286ddb0e823920caaecd1fcd57ba1, THX-WETH 0xf0a9f5c64f80fa390a46b298791dab9e2bb29bca, BUMP-WETH 0xf19f91d7889668a533f14d076adc187be781a458, BABL-WETH

    the aim of this project was to illustrate the most popular Gamma liquidity pools by number of wallets and also by TVL . as shown in the following contents, the weth_usd ,WETH-USDC and TRU-WETH are the most popular pools with 478,333 and 300 wallets connected ,respectively. INDEX-WETH isthe most popular pool in terms of TVL.

    comparing OMH_WETH vs TRU_WETH in terms of number of associated wallets over time