NEAR Performance


    Bounty Question:

    How does NEAR stock up to other L1s in terms of speed and performance? How fast is NEAR, and compare it with other blockchain speeds in terms of transactions per minute and percentage of transactions that fail. 


    To answer to the bounty questions we follow the below steps:

    1. daily average TPM on Near
    2. daily average TPM on Ethereum
    3. failure rate on Ethereum
    4. failure rate on Near

    Note :

    all data in this dashboard is Since 1 January 2022

    we used from [ ethereum.core.fact_transactions ], [ flipside_prod_db.mdao_near.transactions ] tables


    The below three chart show the TPM( Transaction per mint) of Near, Solana and Ethereum and we can see in the below charts that the TPM speed of Solana is very high compared to Ethereum and Near and then after the Solana the TPM speed of Ethereum is higher than the Near

    The below three chart shows the transaction failure rate on Solana, Ethereum and Near and if we compare the failure rate of this three layer ones we can see that transaction failure rate is very low in Ethereum and everyday almost from 100% of transactions, 5% of the transaction failed and the rest has done with success and Then the failure rate of Near is lower than Solana

    Conclusion :

    1. we compared the TPM of Solana, Near and Ethereum and we got that the TPM speed of Solana is higher than Ethereum and Near and after solana it is ethereum that has a better TPM speed compared to NEAR
    2. we compared the failure rate of transactions on Solana, Ethereum and Near and we got the number of transaction failure rate is very low in Ethereum compared to solana and near and it just include about 5% percent of transactions per day while the failure rate on Solana and Near is much higher and it is almost 4 time grater than the failure rate on Ethereum