
    What is NFL ALL DAY?

    NFL All Day is a company, owned and operated by Dapper Labs, that allows users to buy and collect digital football highlights from the NFL. The whole thing is backed by the NFL and all highlights are officially licensed by the league. Currently the only way to gain an NFL All Day highlight is by purchasing packs, but a marketplace is soon to be launched.

    So what is it all exactly? With the use of the blockchain (you know, the computer stuff that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are based on), Dapper Labs created a digital collectible marketplace for NFL highlights. The use of Blockchain allows for these moments to be impossible to hack or even duplicate, which is the draw to these moments.

    Think of it in the same vein as collectible cards. You own the physical copy of these cards. Someone else may have the same card, but you have your own specific version. That is almost exactly what these All Day highlights are. Owning a highlight, you own that version of the moment and you are the only one with that serial number.


    The bounty ask us to find the total sales volume of NFL ALL DAY and then compare the result with the NBA TOP SHOT.

    to answer these questions we follow this steps:

    1. find the NFL ALL DAY Sales Volume per day
    2. find the NBA TOP SHOT sales Volume per day 3
    3. compare the daily sales volume of NFL ALL DAY and NBA TOP SHOT
    4. find the total Sales volume of NFL ALL DAY
    5. find the total Sales volume of NBA TOP SHOT
    6. compare the total Sales volume of NFL ALL DAY with NBA TOP SHOT


    1. All the date in this query is after 20 April 2022
    2. we used from [ flow.core ] schema and [ fact_nft_sales ] table

    The below chart shows the daily Sales volume of NFL ALL DAY per day, which we can see that daily sales is trending downward since 23 april 2022

    The below chart shows the NFL ALL DAY and NBA TOP SHOT sales volume per day, which we see that NBA TOP SHOT has more Sales volume per day compared to NFL ALL DAY.

    Conclusion :

    we find the daily and total sales volume of NFL ALL DAY and NBA TOP SHOT, then compared this two and now we summarize our dashboard into a few point:

    1. NBA TOP SHOT has more daily sales volume compared to NFL ALL DAY
    2. NBA TOP SHOT has more total sales volume compared to NFL ALL DAY