mucryptotop 5 wallets by transactions
    Updated 2023-03-05
    with wallets as (select
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day,
    count(tx_hash) as transactions
    from ethereum.core.fact_transactions
    where block_timestamp::date between '2022-05-04' and '2022-05-15'
    and to_address is not null
    group by 1,2
    qualify row_number() over (partition by day order by transactions desc) <=10),
    -- luna as (select
    -- date(hour) as "Day",
    -- avg(price) as "Average LUNA price, USD"
    -- from ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    -- where "Day" between '2022-05-04' and '2022-05-15'
    -- and symbol = 'LUNA'
    -- group by 1),

    labels as (select
    when address_name = 'coinbase 6' then 'Coinbase'
    when address_name = 'bittrex 1' then 'Bitrex'
    when address_name = 'coinbase 5' then 'Coinbase'
    when address_name = 'ethermine' then 'Ethermine: Mining Pool'
    when address_name = 'coinbase 3' then 'Coinbase'
    when address_name = 'coinbase 4' then 'Coinbase'
    when address_name = 'coinbase 11' then 'Coinbase'
    when address_name = 'ftx exchange 2' then 'FTX'
    when address_name = 'ftx exchange' then 'FTX'
    when address_name = 'binance 16' then 'Binance'
    when address_name = 'binance 15' then 'Binance'
    when address_name = 'binance 14' then 'Binance'
    when address_name = 'kucoin deposit_wallet' then 'KuCoin'
    when address_name = ' 2' then ''
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