mucryptoEthereum,token holder balances
    Updated 2023-03-01
    with eth as (select
    count(distinct user_address) as ETH_users,
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day,
    when current_bal > 1000000 then 'MORE THAN 1 MILLION ETH'
    when current_bal between 100000 and 1000000 then 'BETWEEN 100k AND 1 MILLION ETH'
    when current_bal between 10000 and 100000 then 'BETWEEN 10K AND 100K ETH'
    when current_bal between 1000 and 100000 then 'BETWEEN 1K AND 100K ETH'
    when current_bal between 100 and 10000 then 'BETWEEN 100 AND 10K ETH'
    when current_bal between 10 and 100 then 'BETWEEN 10 and 100 ETH'
    when current_bal between 1 and 10 then 'BETWEEN 1 AND 10 ETH'
    else 'LESS THAN 1 ETH'
    end as ETH_holdings
    from ethereum.core.ez_balance_deltas
    where block_timestamp::date between '2022-05-04' and '2022-05-15'
    and symbol='ETH'
    group by 2,3
    qualify row_number() over (partition by day order by ETH_users desc) <= 3),

    luna as (select
    count(distinct user_address) as LUNA_users,
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as day,
    when current_bal > 1000000 then 'MORE THAN 1 MILLION LUNA'
    when current_bal between 100000 and 1000000 then 'BETWEEN 100k AND 1 MILLION LUNA'
    when current_bal between 10000 and 100000 then 'BETWEEN 10K AND 100K LUNA'
    when current_bal between 1000 and 100000 then 'BETWEEN 1K AND 100K LUNA'
    when current_bal between 100 and 10000 then 'BETWEEN 100 AND 10K LUNA'
    when current_bal between 10 and 100 then 'BETWEEN 10 and 100 LUNA'
    when current_bal between 1 and 10 then 'BETWEEN 1 AND 10 LUNA'
    else 'LESS THAN 1 LUNA'
    end as LUNA_holdings
    from ethereum.core.ez_balance_deltas
    where block_timestamp::date between '2022-05-04' and '2022-05-15'
    and symbol='LUNA'
    group by 2,3
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