mz0111esc 6
    Updated 2022-11-16
    with table_1 as (select min(block_timestamp) as first_tx,
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where to_address = '0xd54f502e184b6b739d7d27a6410a67dc462d69c8' --dydx
    and block_timestamp >= current_date - 30
    group by 2
    having first_tx >= current_date - 30)

    select date_trunc('day', first_tx) as date,
    count(distinct(origin_from_address)) as new_wallets,
    sum(new_wallets) over (order by date) as cumu_new_wallets,
    when date >= '2022-11-08 00:00:00.000' then 'Collapse of FTX & Alameda'
    else 'Before Collapsing'
    end as event
    from table_1
    group by 1
    order by 1 desc
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