mz0111USD price vs stake
    Updated 2022-09-04
    'Stakewise' as "platform name",
    date_trunc (week,block_timestamp) as date,
    count(*) as "Total Number of Stakes",
    count(distinct origin_from_address) as "Total Number of Unique Staker",
    sum(event_inputs:value/1e18) as "Total Amount of ETH Staked"
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    where origin_to_address = lower('0xC874b064f465bdD6411D45734b56fac750Cda29A') --as Stakewise
    and ORIGIN_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE in ('0x4a58db19','0x040dee8a', '0x3a4b66f1')
    --TX_HASH = '0xa61e28d0623990b9eae7510f621e646dd80e55665b9dcc1b7c3c58838b34920f'
    --and event_inputs:value !=0
    --and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    GROUP BY 2

    union ALL
    'stkr' as "platform name",
    date_trunc (week,block_timestamp) as date,

    count(*) as "Total Number of Stakes",
    count(distinct origin_from_address) as "Total Number of Unique Staker",
    sum(event_inputs:value/1e18) as "Total Amount of ETH Staked"
    from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    where origin_to_address = lower('0x84db6eE82b7Cf3b47E8F19270abdE5718B936670')
    and origin_function_signature in ('0x9fa65c56','0xeb834a2c') -- Stake and Claim Aeth C , Stake and Claim Aeth B
    and event_inputs:from = lower('0x84db6eE82b7Cf3b47E8F19270abdE5718B936670')
    --TX_HASH = '0x232274ef591e844db4e08b9cdb7204dbdf3d533eea7cdbc716bde56cde95990d' )
    --and event_inputs:value != 0
    -- and block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    GROUP BY 2

    union all
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