mz0111coin base 10
    Updated 2023-06-02
    with table1 as (
    min (block_timestamp) as mindate
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    where CURRENCY = 'uosmo'
    and tx_succeeded = 'true'
    and action in ('pool_joined')
    group by 1)

    date_trunc('day',mindate::date) as date,
    case when date < '2023-05-25' then 'Before Listing'
    when date >= '2023-05-25' then 'After listing'
    end as timing,
    count (distinct liquidity_provider_address) as New_LPers,
    sum (new_lpers) over (order by date) as Cum_LPer
    from table1
    where mindate::date >= current_date - 17
    group by 1 , 2
    order by 1
    Run a query to Download Data