Highest Sales Volume

    First question of NFTX bounties


    NFTX is a platform for creating liquid markets for illiquid Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Users deposit their NFT into an NFTX vault and mint a fungible ERC20 token (vToken) that represents a claim on a random asset from within the vault. vTokens can also be used to redeem a specific NFT from a vault. https://docs.nftx.io/

    when a wallet redeems their NFTX tokens for a specific NFT, it means that wallet is buying a NFT.

    In this dashboard I'm interested in Which 3 NFT collections have the most total sales volume in the last 60 days on NFTX.

    We can find these sales in ez_nft_sales.


    First let us have a daily analysis of sales volume on NFTX without considering collections:


    There are spikes on sales volume making it seven, six or five times higher than average.

    There is more sales volume in April compared to May.

    The spike on May 13, the day Terra collapsed and total market was in a shock, is interesting. probably on this day wallets try to redeem their vTokens back into original NFTs and maybe after selling it back to ETH and even stablecoins.

    Now let's answer the main question and find out the most popular collections:


    The first three collections are responsible for 40% of total sales volume.

    The first one Milady with 15%

    The second one Doodles with 13.5%

    The third one bored ape yacht club with 10%
