ngxuan885Deposit rate from L1s: chains
    Updated 2022-06-12
    with swaps_single_sided as (
    SELECT tx_id, count(*) as counts
    from flipside_prod_db.thorchain.swaps
    GROUP by 1 having counts = 1)

    count(distinct FROM_ADDRESS) as swappers

    -- POOL_NAME,
    -- sum(TO_AMOUNT_USD) as usd_volume
    -- count(distinct tx_id) as swaps, sum(TO_AMOUNT) as Rune_volume
    from flipside_prod_db.thorchain.swaps
    where BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date >= '2022-03-01'
    and tx_id in (SELECT tx_id from swaps_single_sided)
    and TO_ASSET = 'THOR.RUNE'
    and FROM_ASSET not like '%/%' -- BLOCKCHAIN not in ('THOR')
    GROUP by 1,2 order by 1,2

    Run a query to Download Data