ngxuan885January 2022 New Wallets Created-1
    Updated 2022-02-18
    with JAN_block_id as
    (SELECT MIN(block_id) as min, MAX(block_id) as max from algorand.block
    WHERE block_timestamp>='2022-01-01' AND block_timestamp<'2022-02-01'),

    valid_wallets as (
    SELECT address from algorand.account
    where created_at between (select min from JAN_block_id)
    and (select max from JAN_block_id)
    and address not in (select address from algorand.account_app where app_id ='552635992')
    ) -- Tinyman app id to exclude Tinyman pools

    SELECT asset_name,COUNT(*) as number_of_wallets
    from algorand.account_asset
    where address in (SELECT address from valid_wallets)
    and asset_name is not null
    GROUP by 1 order by 2 DESC limit 5
    Run a query to Download Data