niloUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-12-13
    ---credit to

    with maintable as (
    select date_trunc (month,block_timestamp) as date,
    count (distinct tx_id) as "Monthly TX Count",
    "Monthly TX Count"/1440 as "Transactions Per Minute (TPM)",
    "Monthly TX Count"/86400 as "Transactions Per Second (TPS)"
    from flow.core.fact_events
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and block_timestamp::date != CURRENT_DATE
    group by 1,2 having "Monthly TX Count" > 10)

    select event_type,
    avg ("Monthly TX Count") as "Average Number of Transations",
    avg ("Transactions Per Minute (TPM)") as "Average Transactions Per Minute (TPM)",
    avg ("Transactions Per Second (TPS)") as "Average Transactions Per Second (TPS)"
    from maintable
    group by 1
    Run a query to Download Data