niloUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-09-28
    date_trunc('hour',block_timestamp) as daily,
    sum(amount/1e6) as Volume,
    count(distinct TX_ID) as TXN,
    count(distinct LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ADDRESS) as LPrs,
    when ACTION = 'pool_joined' then 'Deposit'
    when ACTION = 'pool_exited' then 'Withdraw' end as Type,

    sum (Volume) over (partition by Type order by daily ) as cum_Volume,
    sum (TXN) over (partition by Type order by daily ) as cum_TXN,
    sum (LPrs) over (partition by Type order by daily ) as cum_LPrs
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    where POOL_ID = 812 and TX_STATUS = 'SUCCEEDED' and CURRENCY = 'ibc/903A61A498756EA560B85A85132D3AEE21B5DEDD41213725D22ABF276EA6945E'
    group by daily,Type
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