nitsStablecoin Swappers
    Updated 2022-01-10
    select pool_name, sum(amount_usd)/pow(10,6) as volume_in_M , count(*)as total_transactions, count(distinct(from_address)) as unique_swappers from
    (select * from ethereum.dex_swaps where pool_name in
    (select pool_name from (select pool_name, count(*) as total_transactions, sum(amount_usd)/pow(10,6) as total_volume_in_M from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where platform = 'curve' and ((amount_usd > amount_in*0.99 and amount_usd < amount_in*1.01) or (amount_usd > amount_out*0.99 and amount_usd < amount_out*1.01))
    and block_timestamp > CURRENT_DATE-90 and pool_name not like '%BTC%' and pool_name not like '%ETH%' and pool_name not like '%0xc581b735a1688071a1746c968e0798d642ede491%'
    and pool_name not like '%EUR%' and pool_name not like '%0x80466c64868e1ab14a1ddf27a676c3fcbe638fe5%'
    group by pool_name
    order by total_volume_in_m desc
    limit 20)))
    where block_timestamp > CURRENT_DATE -90
    group by 1
    order by unique_swappers desc

    --1) USDC/USDT/DAI- 0xbebc44782c7db0a1a60cb6fe97d0b483032ff1c7
    --2) USDT swap- 0x52ea46506b9cc5ef470c5bf89f17dc28bb35d85c
    --3) sUSD swap- 0xa5407eae9ba41422680e2e00537571bcc53efbfd
    --6) 3crv- 0x890f4e345b1daed0367a877a1612f86a1f86985f
    --7) 3crv-USDP- 0x42d7025938bec20b69cbae5a77421082407f053a
    --8) Alchemix AllUSD- 0x43b4fdfd4ff969587185cdb6f0bd875c5fc83f8c
    --15) Neutrino USD- 0x0f9cb53ebe405d49a0bbdbd291a65ff571bc83e1
    --20) MUSD -0x8474ddbe98f5aa3179b3b3f5942d724afcdec9f6

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