nitsCopy of wETH vs wBTC inflow
    Updated 2022-06-08
    with addr as
    (select address, label from osmosis.core.dim_labels
    where project_name ilike '%WBTC%' or project_name ilike '%WETH%'
    ) ,
    b as (SELECT tx_id as tx ,label, address from osmosis.core.fact_msg_attributes
    inner join addr on attribute_value = address )

    SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, label, sum(amt)/pow(10,18) as total_amt, count(DISTINCT tx_id) as distinct_txs
    (SELECT *
    , replace(attribute_value, address, '' ) as amt
    from osmosis.core.fact_msg_attributes
    inner join b on tx_id = tx
    where msg_type = 'coin_received' and attribute_key = 'amount' and contains(attribute_value, address)
    GROUP by 1,2

    -- coinspent
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