nitsWhat do common user swap from/to?
    Updated 2022-06-20
    with osmo_whales as
    (SELECT LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ADDRESS, sum(amt_net)as total_amt from
    amount/pow(10,6) as amt ,
    case when action = 'pool_joined' then amt else amt*(-1) end as amt_net
    from osmosis.core.fact_liquidity_provider_actions
    where currency = 'uosmo')
    GROUP by 1 )
    where total_amt >= pow(10,5) ),
    from_whales as
    (select trader from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    where from_currency = 'uosmo' and from_amount >= pow(10,11)),
    to_whales as
    (select trader from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    where to_currency = 'uosmo' and to_amount >= pow(10,11)),
    osmo_swaps_from_whales as
    (SELECT from_currency as adr , count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_txs, 'from' as type
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    GROUP by 1 ),
    osmo_swaps_to_whales as
    (SELECT to_currency as adr, count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_txs, 'to' as type
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    GROUP by 1 ) ,
    osmo_swaps_from_ as
    (SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_txs, sum(total_txs) over (order by day) as cumulative_txs,
    count(DISTINCT trader) as total_traders, 'from' as type , 'common' as typ
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    GROUP by 1 ),
    osmo_swaps_to_ as
    (SELECT date(block_timestamp) as day, count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_txs, sum(total_txs) over (order by day) as cumulative_txs,
    count(DISTINCT trader) as total_traders, 'to' as type , 'common' as typ
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    GROUP by 1 )
    SELECT * from
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