nitsTop 10 volume gaining pools sushiswap in past 24 hours (by percent)
    Updated 2022-01-09
    with two_days_prior_vol as (select pool_name as pn , total_entering_amt_in_K as total_vol_earlier from (select pool_name, sum(amt_net)/1000 as total_entering_amt_in_K from (select case when direction = 'IN' then amount_usd else amount_usd end as amt_net, * from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where platform = 'sushiswap' ) where timestampdiff(sql_tsi_hour,block_timestamp, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)< 48 and timestampdiff(sql_tsi_hour,block_timestamp, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > 24
    group by 1 )
    where total_entering_amt_in_K is not NULL)
    select pool_name, (total_vol-total_vol_earlier)/total_vol_earlier*100 as percent_vol_gain from
    (select * from
    (select pool_name, total_entering_amt_in_K as total_vol from (select pool_name, sum(amt_net)/1000 as total_entering_amt_in_K from (select case when direction = 'IN' then amount_usd else amount_usd end as amt_net, * from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where platform = 'sushiswap' ) where timestampdiff(sql_tsi_hour,block_timestamp, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)< 24
    group by 1 )
    where total_entering_amt_in_K is not NULL)
    inner join two_days_prior_vol
    on pool_name = pn )
    order by percent_vol_gain desc
    limit 10
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