nitsSOL NFT Purchasing POwer
    Updated 2022-04-28
    SELECT case when sales_amount = '0' then 'a=free sale'
    when sales_amount < '0.01' then 'b- 0-0.01'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,-2) and sales_amount < pow(10,-1) then 'c-0.01-0.1'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,-1) and sales_amount < pow(10,0) then 'd-0.1-1'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,0) and sales_amount < pow(10,1) then 'e-1-10'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,1) and sales_amount < pow(10,2) then 'f-10-100'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,2) and sales_amount < pow(10,3) then 'g-100-1000'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,3) and sales_amount < pow(10,4) then 'h-1000-10k'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,4) and sales_amount < pow(10,5) then 'i-10k-100k'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,5) and sales_amount < pow(10,6) then 'j-100k-1M'
    when sales_amount >= pow(10,6) then 'k-1M+ sol' end as distribution ,
    count(DISTINCT tx_id) as total_sales,
    count(DISTINCT purchaser) as unique_purchasers,
    sum(total_sales) over (order by distribution ) as cumulative_sales ,
    sum(total_sales) over (order by distribution desc) as cumulative_sales_desc ,
    sum(unique_purchasers) over (order by distribution desc) as cumulative_purchasers_desc ,
    sum(total_sales) over (order by distribution )/4.62/pow(10,4) as cumulative_sales_percent ,
    sum(unique_purchasers) over (order by distribution desc)/6723 as cumulative_purchasers_percent_desc ,
    sum(total_sales) over (order by distribution desc )/4.62/pow(10,4) as cumulative_sales_percent_desc
    (SELECT * from solana.fact_nft_sales
    where succeeded = 'TRUE')
    GROUP by 1
    LIMIT 100
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